Missing Technology

Humanity has been well-conditioned for the eons of time to accept historical timelines, as written, and delivered through modern educational systems, as well as the mainstream media.  Historically, the managing of belief systems has been controlled via the televisions and newspapers, as well as medical communities, which attempt to convince you, that as people age, there is a mental declination. Actually, people become more experienced and intelligent as time progresses, but they have been poisoned via genetically modified organisms (GMO), fluoride, chemtrails, 5G towers, and countless other destructive constructs.  If you are an entity that wishes to eliminate any opposition to your objectives, then you will attempt to destroy the collective “knowing” acquired via human existence, as early in the life stages as possible.  Simply minimizing the duration that a human lifespan can survive, will reduce the amount of time that anyone can formulate or postulate progressive solutions that face mankind.

In order for any human being, living in this modern era, to understand accurate historical records, the concepts of perceivable time need to be understood.  A basic understanding, is that anything that can be validated needs to be eye-witnessed by a living person, so that the details may be recorded first-hand. For example, imagine the sinking of the massive sea vessel known as the “Titanic”.  If there is no one alive that can give an accurate truthful assessment of what actually happened, then anything could be presented via the fake news and historical records.  They really could tell you ANYTHING.

This can be best described by the following generalization.  There is a consensus among consumers that when they purchase a new smartphone or electronic device, that they are somehow holding “the apex” of human-generated technology.  They think they are holding the culmination of world scientific achievement.  The fact of the matter is that the products available for retail acquisition are 20-30 years behind what the government has made claim to.  Again, if we return to the concept that humans only live for 100 years or less, then what is our basis of “proof”?  Is there anyone alive that can personally validate anything that happened in recorded history that extends beyond 100 years?

If we only go back 100 years, then what do we have validation of?  Anyone that had passage on the tragic ocean voyage of the Titanic, are long gone.  Let’s see if we can simplify events to a somewhat understandable scale.  It is generally understood that the Wright brothers constructed the first airplane that could manage air flight for a duration of over one minute.  Fast forward to 1969, and the United States has “supposedly” landed a spacecraft on the moon.  Therefore 66 years has passed and we have gone from traditional air flight to a moon landing.  Projecting this on a linear dated timeline, we see that the level of human technology is increasing exponentially.  Hundreds of years of sea-going vessels with sails and rudders have been replaced by propeller-driven aircraft and moon landings in just a few decades.

We are now in 2022.  It has been 53 years since the proposed moon landing.  Statistically speaking, we can graphically illustrate graph the rate that technology has accelerated over time.  Understand first, that mankind sailed the seas in wooden vessels with sails.  The basic design of the ships did not change for hundreds of years.  Specific aspects of the craft were improved upon regarding masts and rudders and such, as trial and error created potential for improvements.

If we use the basic timeline that has been illustrated, we can look at the past half-century, and easily proclaim that we’ve been in a “no man’s land”.  With each technological advancement, it seems there is very little progress.  Ponder traditional passenger aircraft at the average airport, which would be available for common transportation.  The aircraft is virtually unchanged in the past half-century.  I will state that “trinkets” have been given in the form of electronic devices  This is by design.  Immerse yourself as you will, in devices that do nothing to motivate your soul.  “Connectivity” will never bring you closer to God, which exists in higher dimensions.

When operating in the lower 3D dimensions, the generally understood purpose of the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), is to provide creators of new ideas and inventions, legal protection for what is deemed as “intellectual property”.  Originally the timeline was 17 years, but it is now 20 years.  Therefore, if you have created something novel and inventive, the government is giving you 20 years to provide personal benefit to yourself via licensing objectives of self-manufacturing.  When this time lapses, your creative pursuits are not protected and part of the public domain.

Considering the previously-mentioned, concepts, please ask yourself why we are not flying around in personal aircraft, as the 1960’s cartoon “The Jetsons” which comical depicted our future society to be experiencing.  Simple stated, we have been massively stifled.  Technology is there, but it is not extending to humanity.  It is being stolen from the minds of creative individuals, and given to the elitists.

Casino Royale

 The term “Casino Royale” has been surfacing a lot recently, primarily on patriot discussion boards and videos.  To the purist, Casino Royale is best associated with being the 21st installment of the James Bond film series, starring Daniel Craig.  It was predated by the 1953 novel of the same name, written by Ian Fleming.  In the book and movie, the plot involves a high stakes poker game, whereas the winner literally “takes all”.  There is nothing left on the table, and the winner owns EVERYTHING.

In recent decades, the controllers or elitists of the planet, have had their eyes on a one-world government, along with a one-world religion and currency.  If this scenario were to be achieved, then the game would be over, and the winners would have complete domination, and the losers would be left with nothing.  This is the ultimate battle of good vs. evil.  The ones that are in control of this earth, including the natural resources and financial systems, have been enjoying this role for thousands of years.  The ones being controlled, which are otherwise known as the “slaves”, have been in their role of misfortune for every bit as long.  This is a hard concept to grasp, when we understand that the slaves represent over 99 percent of the global population.

Control is exerted in a wide variety of ways, and finance always seems to be the satanic tool of choice.  Those that control the money, control the nation’s governments, the armies, and food supplies.  Taxation has existing since the beginning of time, and it has always proven to be a viable method of acquiring money, that governments and other institutions need to conduct their business.  In times of extreme emergency, such as natural disasters (flooding, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes) or resource shortages (gasoline, electricity, food, and water), taxes may be increased to unbearable levels to support government-enacted programs, designed to alleviate the threat.

It seems reasonable that governments could actually create artificial or “false flag” situations, designed to instill fear, dependency on the government, and massive increases in taxation.  If the powers-that-be can create fake pandemics that do not exist, or falsify presidential election voting results, then certainly they can create a global warming narrative, which has no basis in reality.  Make no mistake, that we are on the cusp of the next major global incident of fiction.  The Maricopa, Arizona vote audit is dispelling many of the election fabrications, and the fake pandemic is no longer holding humanity in the grip of fear.  Murder hornets, anyone?  Not even close.

There is no single event that would unite every living human being on this planet, then the belief that we are being invaded by hostile extraterrestrials/aliens.  This is a scenario that elitists have held in their back pockets for many decades, going back to the Roswell, New Mexico incident in 1947.  In order to pull off one of these massive false flags, it takes a multitude of resources, and the mainstream media (MSM) will be leading the charge.  They must first start programming your mind, so that you begin to believe that the existence of aliens is feasible, and that alien visits are validated regularly, as witnessed in our skies.  Starting in the spring of 2021, the normally restrained MSM started showing more clips featuring alleged Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs).  Personal accounts of these events have always been hushed, and when they do appear in the news media, over active imaginations and tin foil hats are to blame.  This is not the case presently.  It is obvious that the slow trickle has begun.  The MSM is now featuring photos and video footage, claimed to be taken by military personnel, or similar people of integrity and trust.  Watch these eyewitness accounts increase massively leading into summer.

At this time, we are applying more focus to this particular scenario than usual, because the dark side is nearly defeated, and they are clutching at anything to retain control.  They do not want to relinquish a system that has been in place for thousands of years, which has generated them riches beyond imagination.  More and more truth is rising to the surface, with each passing day.  People are becoming awake, at an ever-increasing rate.  From the perspective of the dark side, this is their curtain call.  There is no tomorrow.  They will dump unlimited financial resources into this staged event, and there is no backup plan.  Why the alien invasion, instead of other catastrophes, such as severe draughts on the planet?  In the case of the latter, people will accept a moderate increase in taxation, if they think there is a food shortage, which can be alleviated over time.  In the case of the former, people will give up their homes, drain bank accounts, and sell all of their clothes, if they think humanity is on the brink of extinction from an external, supreme force.  Bring on the aliens and welcome to Casino Royale.

Live By The Sword, Die By The Sword

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In ancient times, when man first harnessed the ability to generate fire, two great realizations must have become apparent.  The first, is that they had stumbled across a way to improve many facets of their lives, which included the cooking of foods and the generation of heat.  The second, is that mankind had harnessed a power, that had previously only been understood by God.  All those that came before them, knew discoveries of fire via incinerations caused by lightning strikes or volcanic eruptions.  Early man did not know what fire was, nor how it worked.  They only knew how to recreate it for their tribal use.

 Decades later, man harnessed electricity and used it in unlimited fashion, powering every manner of his creation.  The incandescent light bulb was the world’s first great electrical achievement, that benefited everyone, whether rich or poor.  In the modern era, the electronic world of televisions, computers, cell phones, and even mass transportation, are powered by electricity.  When scientists are asked what electricity is, they do not know the answer.  What they do know, is how to recreate or generate electricity.  The same is true for magnetism, which is an endless source of energy.  Magnetism is used to power electrical motors and generate a force to either attract or repel.  Scientists do not know what magnetism is, but they are able to recreate it and use it for their own purposes.

 Throughout history, mankind has been able to use scientific approaches to observe phenomenon occurring in the natural universe.  Over time, they have been able to replicate and generate those forces.  The same can be said of biological processes and functions.  It is God’s desire, that his children learn and to use these understandings to benefit humanity.  There is nothing more dangerous than learning to harness or replicate forces or processes, for which we do not have an understanding of their “cause”, but only their “effect”.  For those that choose to do evil with this newfound knowledge, they must be very careful, for they will be mocking God in the process.

 The virus that was unleashed upon an unsuspecting humanity in 2020, has intentions based in pure evil.  Even the vaccines that are ushered in to save lives globally, are rooted in deceit and greedy motives.  In an attempt to control to population of the earth, the scientists and news media will unveil in 2021, that there are new strains and mutations, so that the world remains in a state of fear.  To the creators of such atrocities, I say to thee “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword”.  (Matthew 26:51-52).  Be careful when you uncap your concoctions, because the day will come when replacing the cap becomes your greatest endeavor.

Dead Presidents

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During the broadcast of the 1992 Grammy Awards, viewers witnessed something historical and unforgettable.  Nat King Cole appeared in a duet with his daughter, Natalie Cole, and performed the classic hit “Unforgettable”.  The original 1951 song was made famous by Nat King Cole, and had to be remixed substantially to give the illusion of a live duet with his daughter.  Natalie was live on the Grammy stage, and her father appeared on a large television screen behind her.  The concept was unique and people talked about it in the many weeks that followed.  Even more controversial, was the fact that Nat had been deceased since 1965.  It was a beautiful rendition, and it is doubtful that any discussions of morality or social correctness were ever presented.

Several years later, in 1995, Forrest Gump took the Academy Awards by storm and captured six categories, including the award for best visual effects.  This was the first notable theatrical presentation, where Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) was used, although it was primitive, at best.  Forrest Gump was played by Tom Hanks, and the character had the dubious distinction of encountering countless political figures and famous individuals, throughout his travels, during the turbulent 1960’s.  John Lennon, Martin Luther King, and John F. Kennedy were just a few of the recognizable faces, that Forrest would come into contact with.  The modern-day video images of Tom Hanks, were overlayed onto existing historical footage, to create the desired effect.

In the years that followed, CGI advanced radically and many famous people were resurrected for a curtain call.  Marlon Brando made a surprise appearance as Superman’s father in the 1978 movie “Superman:  The Movie”.  Brando eventually passed, and in 2006, a remake was filmed entitled “Superman Returns”.  Film editors used the original footage from 1978 to create a series of images and dialog in an attempt to resurrect Brando, for a final performance.  The scenes took place in the fictitious Fortress of Solitude, and Brando portrayed Superman’s “conscience”.  The results were a smashing success, and this gave the late actor one more movie credit, to support his lasting legacy.

CGI has been used extensively in recent years, and the technology is now such that there appear to be no limitations on the believability that can be presented on the silver screen.  In 2016, the Star Wars saga “Rogue One”, featured scenes depicting the late Peter Cushing, who had been dead for two decades.  This was the first film that brought forward notable dialog and controversy within the industry, regarding the usage of deceased personalities as featured actors.  The question of morality was stepping to the forefront, as a non-living person cannot give their approval to the usage of their talents, nor the quality of the final product.

The use of CGI in the cinema or elsewhere, does pose interesting concerns.  It is important to understand, that even the highest levels of CGI technology being used in Hollywood, are nothing in comparison to what the military has their hands on.  Of further interest, is the fact that the government and military are not concerned about bringing home golden awards for their video productions.  What is on the table for them, is of much greater value.  Presently, the CGI technology that exists in the hands of the military is indistinguishable from reality.  They do not require body doubles or pre-existing audio dialog to fulfill their agenda.  There are political factions, that have the ability to map, in three dimensions, the exact physical appearance of anyone, that they have a vested interest in.  Human gestures and mannerisms, as well as audible tone, are cataloged in databases for future use with their cutting-edge, computing hardware and software.  If the subject is interesting enough - or useful enough - they can be projected in the media to do or say anything.  Perhaps the biggest hurdle for humanity to come to grips with, is that the technology is already in use, on a regular basis.  The next big political broadcast event, may very well be hosted by someone from beyond the grave.  Great power can be wielded by those that can make the living appear dead, and the dead appear to be living.

All the World is a Stage

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Human beings have a defense mechanism that keeps them from suffering excessively when severe trauma is encountered.  Trauma can affect people physically and mentally.  The body handles physical trauma by going into a state of shock.  The mind is much more complex and difficult to address.  The mind-trauma currently being inflicted, is caused by a massive spiritual awakening, which is in our midst.  The awakening is triggered by the fact that we are in a battle of good vs. evil.  God and Satan are in a war, and the time is now to awaken from our slumber.  God is trying to get our attention, and our inability to understand the consequences of non-action, may very well cost a person their eternal soul.

Ninety-nine percent of the people on this planet, have no concept of the true enemy that has enslaved us for eons.  Part of the awakening, will be the unveiling of all truth, regarding the dark forces.  When the truth surfaces, the masses will suddenly have knowledge of corruption involving banking practices, the benefactors of countless wars, genocide, and human trafficking involving children.  Most of it – especially regarding the children – will be too much for many to assimilate.  If there is to a plan to minimize the damage, while awakening humanity, then what is it, and what are the steps to be taken?

The “Plan” is to conduct a furious global takedown, involving the participants of evil.  This will be difficult, as there cannot be a shot fired, or the population of the world will never accept the reason for declaring violent war.  We must first determine, from a spiritual perspective, what the perverted and demonic common denominator is, that the evil political and religious heads of state, align with.  That part has long since been known.  It is child trafficking, rape and torture, that these evil entities routinely engage in.  It is actually the perfect scenario, because regardless of anyone’s political or religious beliefs, all men and women of the world will unite for the cause of saving abducted and sexually abused children.

The next step is to utilize advanced telecommunications systems, to intercept and store all cell phone conversations between members of the evil alliance, on a worldwide level.  This stage of the plan has taken years to complete and archive, and this has been active for over a decade.  The intercepted communications must include email, as all written dialog between people of interest must be captured, as well as any incriminating digital photos.  At the completion of the communication and data collection phase, individually-personalized portfolios of information must be prepared for presentation.  The perpetrators must be confronted and shown that they have been under surveillance, and records exist that will personally destroy them and their careers.  This second step, results in a complete “checkmate” scenario, whereas all corrupt world leaders are compliant, due to their corruption, and pose no future threat regarding the takedown. 

By the time we begin the third step, the most difficult aspects of the plan have already been completed.  On a global basis, countless people have been arrested and imprisoned.  The most ruthless traitors have been executed.  Next, we are at the precarious stage of attempting to awaken humanity to the truth.  Care must be taken, because most people will simply not believe the levels of depravity that have been unleashed upon us all.  Many of the guilty names and faces are those of celebrities, including stars of television and movies, famous musicians, sports figures, political entities, and religious personalities.  Nevertheless, people must be shown undeniable truth, in no uncertain terms, so that there is no doubt as to the charges being brought against these soulless entities.

The manner in which the third and final step is orchestrated, can best be described as watching a movie play out on television.  This step will awaken millions of people and it requires an immense supporting cast of notable individuals, all playing a role – themselves.  There are thousands in the production cast, including many politicians and members of mainstream media (MSM).  All of these people have agreed to play their respective roles, in order to facilitate plea bargains or have their sentences reduced, by dropping names.  This is the shark frenzy stage, where the evil feed on each other, and destroy themselves.  The script is carefully planned so that television, newspapers, and radio divulge timely tidbits of truth, on a consistent and preplanned basis.  The MSM, that had been used historically to misinform, is now being used to educate.  There is evidence of corruption at every corner, and it is too prevalent to ignore.  People are now obsessed with uncovering more details, primarily via the use of social media, but also in their interpersonal daily dialogs.

Watching this movie unfold will seem unbearable, because every time it seems the good guys have won a battle, the darkness seems to prevail.  This is by design, because the plan is to show that corruption and evil exist at every level of our most coveted political, legal, and religious arenas, and nothing or no one is exempt.  The movie begins to make sense, when the viewer understands that the presentation can never end, until the swamp has been completely exposed.  This plan will be successful, because the ninety-nine percent are unaware that they are watching events unfold, that have been preplanned to aid in their awakening.  When the conclusion of this movie nears, the general public will not only be in favor of mass arrests and life-long imprisonment – they will be demanding it.  The best is yet to come.